WEN-REN WU is a PhD student in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at National Sun Yat-sen University. He is a molecular biologist. His research focus on cancer biology. He has published more than 15 papers in journals.
Purpose: Urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma (UBUC) is a common malignant disease in developed countries. Cell cycle dysregulation resulting in uncontrolled cell proliferation has been associated with UBUC development. This study aimed to explore the roles of TMCO1 in UBUCs. Experimental Design: Data mining, branched DNA assay, immunohistochemistry, xenograft, cell culture, quantitative RT-PCR, immunoblotting, stable and transient transfection, lentivirus production and stable knockdown, cell cycle, cell viability and proliferation, soft agar, wound healing, transwell migration and invasion, co-immunoprecipitation, immunocytochemistry, AKT serine/threonine kinase (AKT) activity assays and site-directed mutagenesis were used to study TMCO1 involvement in vivo and in vitro. Results: Data mining identified that the TMCO1 transcript was downregulated during the progression of UBUCs. In distinct UBUC-derived cell lines, changes in TMCO1 levels altered the cell-cycle distribution, cell viability, cell proliferation, colony formation and modulated the AKT pathway. TMCO1 recruited the PH domain and leucine rich repeat protein phosphatase 2 (PHLPP2) to dephosphorylate pAKT1(serine 473) (S473). Mutagenesis at S60 of the TMCO1 protein released TMCO1-induced cell cycle arrest and restored the AKT pathway in BFTC905 cells. Stable TMCO1 (wild-type) overexpression suppressed, while T33A and S60A mutants recovered, tumor size in xenograft mice. Conclusions: Clinical associations, xenograft mice and in vitro indications provide solid evidence that the TMCO1 gene is a novel tumor suppressor in UBUCs. TMCO1 dysregulates cell cycle progression via suppression of the AKT pathway, and S60 of the TMCO1 protein is crucial for its tumor suppressor roles.
Dr. Shin received his PhD in 1989 at the University of Tokyo, and worked as a postdoc fellow and a research associate at NCI, USA. He was nominated as a chief of National Research Lab and a PM of National Cancer-Aging Research Program, and served as a Chair for Korean Assoaiciation of Genrontology and now serves as a professor and director of Aging-Cancer Center of Dankook Univ. He provided first evidence that p53 can induce senescence in human tumor and suggested a novel cancer therapy to induce senescence in human tumors.
We previously reported the anti-apoptosis functions of a novel anti-apoptotic E3 ubiquitin ligase, AREL1, which ubiquitinates and promotes the proteasome-dependent degradation of cytosolic forms of IAP antagonists. In the present study, we identified AREL1 as an oncogene that targets PHD2. Elevated expression of AREL1 was detected in 65% of randomly selected human lung and colon cancer cell lines and also found in 42% of 424 human tumor tissues. Furthermore, AREL1-trangenic mice enhanced chemical-induced carcinogenesis as compared to wild-type ones. The oncogenic function of AREL1 led us to screen AREL1 target proteins involving in oncogenesis. PHD2, which regulates angiogenesis and tumor development, was identified as an AREL1-interacting protein from a yeast two-hybrid screen. PHD2 was down-regulated by AREL1. This down-regulation was blocked by either a potent proteasome inhibitor, MG132 or expression of an E3 activity-deficient mutant form of AREL1, AREL1-A790A. Taken together with that ubiquitination of endogenous PHD2 was enhanced by AREL1, these results indicate that AREL1 ubiquitinates and promotes a proteasome-dependent degradation of PHD2. Tumor angiogenesis of xenograft of AREL1-expressing cells was enhanced in association with down-regulation of PHD2 and up-regulation of HIF-1. Furthermore, endothelial cell tube formation assay revealed enhanced release of pro-angiogenic factors from AREL1-expressing cells. Therefore, these results suggest that elevated expression of AREL1 contributes to tumorigenesis through targeting PHD2 as well as IAP antagonists, thus blocking apoptosis and enhancing angiogenesis.