David A Ligon
Oncology Fox LLC, USA
Title: Leading the global collaborative effort in epigenetics through a next generation search engine and portal for the oncology community
Biography: David A Ligon
Online networking and knowledge-sharing through application of the principles of knowledge management in development of the next generation cancer research portal is leading the global collaborative eff ort in epigenetics. Th e paradigm has fundamentally and profoundly changed in recent years on how we approach the understanding of cancer treatment and its latest breakthroughs. So much funding has been funneled to Cancer research that there is a big data problem coordinating and sharing those results. Further, Cancer research itself has outgrown previous search portal models in that they do not understand nor apply the principles of epigenetics or knowledge management to searching and sharing information. Top trophy announcements oft en get buried in the news, knowledge of new diagnostic markers, targeted therapies, clinical trials and CRISPR advances are not properly knowledge-shared. Oncology Fox addresses these problems in addition to providing a way for advanced cancer therapies service providers to market their wares to a targeted audience. Developing a sense of community amongst stakeholders fi rst is a key in achieving the level of collaboration needed globally to lead and forge a direction for epigeneticists in our common mission. Th e goal is to save lives through awareness and collaboration. By applying the principles of knowledge management toward a next generation cancer research portal and establishing a new content indexing and validation methodology for collaborative knowledge sharing in the 21st century we can achieve these goals. Th e global collaborative eff ort has pulled together the top researchers, doctors, institutions, donors and the infi rmed to provide a complete solution.